The Functions of Trial, the Burden of Persuasion, and "Case Closed with Matter Resolved" 审判职能、说服责任与案结事了
Finally discussing about some procedural problems concerning legal liability of it in maritime trial such as limitation of action, jurisdiction, burden of persuasion and evidential effect etc. 最后,就无单放货法律责任程序规则问题诸如诉讼时效、管辖权、证明责任和证据效力等进行了探讨。
Burden of persuasion and burden of proof is two different concepts. 举证责任与证明责任是两个不同的概念。
On the Inversion of Burden of Persuasion in Civil Proceeding 论民事诉讼中的举证责任倒置
The abstractive and subjective burden of proof in the continental legal system corresponds to the burden of persuasion in the Anglo-American legal system to some extent, and once it is combined with the standard of proof, the objective burden of proof will become useless. 大陆法系的抽象的主观证明责任与英美法系的说服责任有一定的对应性,一旦其与证明标准结合起来,客观的证明责任就失去了用武之地;
Burden of producing evidence and burden of persuasion in the Anglo-American law system and subjective burden and objective burden are different, strictly speaking. 英美法系的提出证据责任、说服责任和大陆法系的主观证明责任、客观证明责任,严格来说,存在区别不能简单等同。
Relations between burden of persuasion and burden of proof have been a hot point in law circles. 举证责任与证明责任的关系问题一直是法学界争论的一个热点。
In order to resolve the above contradiction, the burden of proof was divided into the burden of producing evidence and the burden of persuasion. 为了解决这一矛盾,证明责任开始分化为提供证据责任与说服责任。
The presumption has transferred only the burden of producing evidence, not the burden of persuasion. 其中,推定转移给被告人的仅仅是提供证据责任,而并不转移说服责任。
Second section is about burden of going forward and burden of persuasion. 第二节是关于推进责任与说服责任。
The dichotomy is used the burden of proof structure in this text, which is, Provide evidence responsibility and the burden of persuasion, in order to study the burden of proof of criminal defendant. 本文采用的是二分法的证明责任结构,即提供证据责任和说服责任的结构对刑事被告人证明责任进行研究。
In juridical practice, different doctrine of liability fixation applied in medical damage means different standard on medical damage and proving regulation to the burden of persuasion. 在司法实践中,医疗损害适用的归责原则不同,其构成医疗损害的标准也不同,举证责任的证明规则也有差异。
The paper selective analyzes three questions: liability composing of medical damage, proving standard of causation and burden of persuasion and applying to the doctrine of liability fixation of medical damage. 本文着重分析了三个问题:医疗损害责任构成、因果关系的证明标准和举证责任以及医疗损害责任归责原则的适用。
Including clarify the range of burden of proof, distinguishing the burden of bring evidence from persuasion, restrict the appliance of the criminal presumption. 包括明确被告人承担证明责任的范围,区分被告人提供证据责任和说服责任,严格限制刑事推定的适用。